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Quick Way to Set Up Rich Pins on Pinterest

According to Pinterest, "Rich Pins are Pins that include extra information right on the Pin itself." Basically, this means that you can have your website name and favicon along with an excerpt of the post or list of ingredients added…

Quick Way to Set Up Rich Pins on Pinterest -

According to Pinterest, “Rich Pins are Pins that include extra information right on the Pin itself.”

Basically, this means that you can have your website name and favicon along with an excerpt of the post or list of ingredients added to the bottom of the pin. This gives your pins a little more information for the pinner besides just the regular caption that people may edit.

Note: the information pulled for the rich pin to cannot be edited after it is added to Pinterest.

Quick Way To Set Up Rich Pins On Pinterest

If you’re confused about what they look like… see this sangria pin here. At the bottom in the grey area is what Pinterest pulled for the rich pin, along with the post title, website name, and favicon just above that. Just below the grey area is the standard caption where people can put what they want.

Since activating rich pins on my website a few months ago, the number of people who have viewed and pinned my images has nearly doubled. Also, the number of like, re-pins, and click throughs has also increased. Moreover, because there are a lot of spam sites linking on pinterest, activating rich pins is a good way to let people know that your pin leads to an actual website and not a spammy one. By setting your blog/business pins apart from all the rest of the pins out there will definitely help your blog or business get noticed.

Now, onto the nitty gritty…

If you’re using WordPress as your blogging platform, then implementing Pinterest rich pins is incredibly easy. It takes about 5 minutes, tops! Let’s get started!

Note: if you are primarily a food blog and have a recipe plugin that runs the hRecipe or markup, you can just skip to step 3. However, the rich pins will only be available for your recipe posts and *not* your article/other posts. If you want to rich pins to show for all of your posts, then follow the instructions as provided.

Install the YOAST SEO Plugin

In order for you to enable rich pins on your website, Pinterest requires you to add certain meta data and tags (you can see them here) that are quite confusing and a lit to deal with. Luckily, the Yoast SEO plugin handles all that information for you with just the click of your mouse. This is a free plugin that you are able to add to your blog to help enable rich pins and also boost your SEO and search engine rankings, when used properly.

To install the Yoast SEO plugin head to your blogs dashboard and navigate to  Plugins >> Add New and search for Yoast SEO. Then install and activate as per usual.

Activate Open Graph Meta Data

After activating the Yoast SEO plugin, navigate to the new SEO tab and click Social.

Going through each of the Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ tabs check each of the boxes that say “Add open graph meta data.”

Visit the “Rich Pin Validator”

Head to Pinterest’s Rich Pin Validator here, and add a direct link to a page or post on your site.

It doesn’t matter which post or page and you only need one to work for your entire site to be enabled for rich pins.


After entering your blog URL, it should say “your pin’s been validated!” Then all you have to do is click Apply Now and a pop up will show with your sites information and meta tags. Click Apply Now again and you’re done!

It takes Pinterest about 2-3 weeks to verify your meta data and approve your site and they will send you an email after it’s been approved. After you receive that email, the next pin that you pin from your website will have the rich pin enabled and you will see the extra goodies that come with it. All of you old pins will also be updated with the new rich pin format, too, but that will take about another 2-3 weeks for them all to be updated.

Now you’re done! Easy, right?

If you found this tutorial helpful, don’t forget to share on Pinterest and your favorite social media channels! Until next time…

I hope this post helped you with setting up your rich pins. If it did, please share using any of the share buttons below and be sure to check out my other tips and tricks in the box below or by clicking the resources tab at the top of the page!

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Two Sister’s Lakehouse is peacefully located on the shores of Crystal Lake, Michigan. Nestled in a quaint little town, just a short drive to Traverse City, the Two Sister’s Lakehouse provides the prefect space to getaway, rest, and recharge.

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