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My 90 Days of P90X

It’s taken me forever to write this blog because, frankly, I’m not exactly sure what to write. I am not big on writing but I have found that once I actually sit down and put “pen to paper” I can…

My 90 Days of P90X

It’s taken me forever to write this blog because, frankly, I’m not exactly sure what to write. I am not big on writing but I have found that once I actually sit down and put “pen to paper” I can come up with something.

My 90 Days Of P90X

I didn’t start doing P90X to prove to everyone that I could do it. I started P90X because I needed a lifestyle change. Something that would change me for the better. Something that would change not only the outside of me, but the inside as well. Before I decided to try P90X, I had tried every “fad” diet out there to try and lose those last couple pounds that I had remaining from my pregnancy 4 years ago. I even tried those magic diet pills that claim to lose massive amounts of weight in a short amount of time. From experience, I can tell you those things just don’t work. All I ended up doing was throwing my money down the drain…

I had heard about P90X a couple times from some friends and I had seen the infomercial before. I didn’t believe that one program could transform your body in 90 days. I thought it was just another “fad” diet and exercise program designed by people just looking to make a few bucks off of some gullible people. At that time I was going to the gym every couple days and not really seeing the results I wanted. I would workout for about 2 hours at a time but just didn’t feel like I was getting anywhere.

I had also started restricting myself of food – BIG mistake! I wouldn’t let myself have the cookies and cakes and candies because I thought it would undo EVERYTHING I was working to achieve (which, currently, wasn’t very much). Since I wasn’t seeing the results, I stopped eating as much. I didn’t change what I ate I just wouldn’t eat as much of it. That didn’t work either.

I ended up moving to Arizona last November (2009) and started a new job, a new life, and new friends. I didn’t have my gym membership anymore (oddly enough, there aren’t any Lifestyle’s out in AZ). Since my boyfriend was in medical school, aka gone all the time, I had to find something to fill my time with while at home with my – then 3 year old – daughter. I met a new friend, Sarah, at work and the fitness and diet talk began soon after. We both wanted to lose a couple pounds and just get toned. We talked about going to the gym together or going running together but for me it was harder because of Alyssa. I couldn’t fit a new gym membership into my budget since I had just finished moving across the country and needed to pay off the debt from that and we couldn’t go running together… who would watch Alyssa?? So… I gave in and ordered P90X. I figured it would be just the same results as the gym, lost of effort but little results. Click here to read all about my first journey with P90X!

After my first round of P90X didn’t go so well, I was a little disheartened. I thought, “this is just another ‘fad’ diet and exercise program and it isn’t working for me.” I decided to give it another try since I figured out that I hadn’t dedicated myself to it 100%. This time I was going to change the way I eat. Instead of telling myself I couldn’t have something – which made me want it even more – I decided to eat it but in moderation. Also, I decided to try the lean version since I just wanted to tone up instead of build muscle. I only wanted to lose about 10lbs and get back into a healthier lifestyle. I ordered Shakeology and hoped that it would be just the jolt I needed to get back on track. It was…

Shakeology COMPLETELY changed the way I thought about food. I didn’t need all that grease, fat, sugar, salt and butter to make food taste good. I stopped putting salt on my food, stopped putting butter and extra things on my food and the weight just began falling off. I lost 6lbs in the first 30 days and thought “OMG!! This is actually working!” I was even more surprised when I was losing inches as well as pounds and saw that my body was changing. I honestly didn’t think it was possible for me to have a better body than I had before I had Alyssa… but it’s true, I do!! Some days were really hard for me push play to get through, and I did cheat here and there. Who doesn’t? But I think that giving into my temptations – in moderation – helped keep me on track with my healthy lifestyle and eating habit.

Now that I have finished my 90 days of P90X does NOT mean that it is over and I am done! This has completely changed my life and the way I think about exercise and fitness. It is COMPLETELY possible to have a better body than you had before by working out in the comfort of your own home. I am HOOKED and am not going to stop! This time I am trying a different Beachbody program and we’ll see how this turns out! You’ll just have to Follow and Subscribe to find out what’s next and where my fitness is going to take me!!


My 90 Days Of P90X Photos
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